Monday 15 June 2015

My Advertising Pays celebrates 18 months and amazing growth!

We've just about recovered from an amazing weekend at the Cumberland Hotel in London where 650 people squeezed into a room that normally entertains 350. There were life-changing events happening all day and many people achieved and exceeded their personal goals.

 Jan and I picked up a cheque for recognition that we have lifetime earnings in My Advertising Pays of $95,430 most of which has been put back into the business to make it grow. Our next goal is to reach Diamond Status by having 1200 credit packs and to help members in our team to also achieve their goals.

Yesterday I met a man who is going to start his MAP journey today, I'm excited about this because he has business and personal contacts both here and India and It has been suggested that India is set to become the No 1 nation for My Advertising Pays.

 This is not about me. I want to be able to look at my team and say 'I helped these people achieve something special, something that has improved their lives and that of their families'. If I can do that for just one person I'll be happy. If you want to offer your friends and family a way to improve their lives then take a look at or email me at

 Simon Tidball

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