Monday 4 May 2015

Biggest Ever 'My Advertising Pays' London event

Saturday's 'My Advertising Pays' London Presentation Event (May 2nd, '15) at the Cumberland Hotel was the biggest and best ever with 450 attendee's. Achievement award's went to all those at different levels from Elite to Crown Diamonds. Thanks to Simon Stepsys for another mind-blowing event. The next London event will be even more special as it's the 18 month anniversary and will feature cheque presentations for the top earners.

To join the 135,000 people who are having their lives changed by this amazing business go to and follow the links.

The next opportunity to to see the London Presentation will be on June 13 when MAP's will be celebrating its 18 month anniversary. It will be a sell-out so if you're interested leave me a comment and I'll get back to you.

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