Monday 25 July 2016

95% of people fail online. Let's not be one of them.

When I started to look online for a way to earn money I found hundreds of amazing opportunities that promised great things. Surely there was going to be something that would pay me enough money to be able to get out of the 9-5 grind.
But guess what? I didn't find that Golden Goose, that key to my future fortune. In fact I spent more money than I could afford on programs that were always going to fail me. And why did they fail me?
They either required me to buy lots of products to sell.

They required me to sell high ticket programs to others, so I would get paid.

They required me to build a network of buyers to build a team.

or they needed me to persuade my friends and family to take up a service.

All this of course, SUCKS. And is why 95% of us fail online.

Two years ago now, I received an email from a successful online marketer inviting me to look at a new business which paid me to advertise online by offering me a profit share in the business. I would get paid every 20 minutes and all I had to do was buy some space and click 10 ads a day.

Despite having to buy credits in order to place ads, I would get all my money back plus 10% after 110 days. this seemed too good to be true but I decided to give it a go and after 2 years in this business I have made over $350,000.

This is the only money I have made on line and it will continue to keep coming in because it's in a growing market - Online Advertising.

Take a look at this video and see what you think.

If you'd like to change your fortunes online with me as a mentor then either follow the links above or return an email to me. I would be happy to tell you more about it.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Advertise for FREE and even make a profit.

If you have a business, product or service to advertise then you need 'My Advertising Pays' which gives you a click through rate of up to 10%. Much greater than Adwords or other forms of internet advertising.

Whats more. the money that you spend on the advertising, you get back in the form of a profit share after only 120 days so you are effectively advertising for free. Tell friends and colleagues about this great system and earn a referral commission, I think you should sign up immediately.

Check it out at: